Publication date 1964 Topics Functions, Mathematics--Tables Publisher U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards Collection poor_ocr; appliedmathematics; NISTresearchlibrary; fedlink; americana Contributor NIST Research Library Language English Rights Publications of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and National Bureau of Standards (NBS) are published by the U.S. Government. They are in the public domain and not subject to copyright in the United States. However, please pay special attention to the individual works to make sure there are no copyright restrictions indicated. Individual works may require securing other permissions from the original copyright holder. Volume [1964] Item Size 2.0G
"Trivia question: What is the most cited work in the mathematical literature? With an estimated 40,000 citations, the Handbook of Mathematical Functions may well be it. Edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun and released by the National Bureau of Standards in 1964, the Handbook was the result of a ten-year project to compile essential information on the special functions of applied mathematics (e.g., Bessel functions, hypergeometric functions, and orthogonal polynomials) for use in applications. The Handbook remains highly relevant today in spite of its age. The number of citations yearly has been steadily increasing since 1964." - Ronald Boisvert et al, "Handbook for the Digital Age," Notices of the AMS, August 2011., accessed 9/12/2012
Reviewer: jlhorner - favorite - March 12, 2013After taking a look at the EPUB version, I would recommend not downloading it. The OCR scan just created a mash of numbers, with an occasional scan image of a section table of contents. This EPUB is mostly useless.